Franklin Baptist Church History
This history records how this church started with humble beginnings and through the sacrifices of God’s people has been able to minster to people for 125 years.
You will see some humorous things that happened over the years but see how God blessed the Franklin community with this church. This church has members that live 30 miles away but are still faithful to this ministry.
You will see some humorous things that happened over the years but see how God blessed the Franklin community with this church. This church has members that live 30 miles away but are still faithful to this ministry.
Church Officers
Associate Pastor Children's Ministry Director Ministry Intern Pianist(s) Treasurer |
Brent A. Parsons
John McCloy Shelby Billimek Brennan Roark Pam Harrell, Cody Caddell Ron Newville |
Charter Members
- Ansel Moses
- Mary Moses
- Edward France
- Ollie May France
- Sigga Puckett
- Joeseph Puckett
- Ansel Brannon
- Verliova Brannon
- Mary Griffin
- Allie Tolbert
09-1924 to unknown E.N. Bonds
05-1926 to unknown Wesiner 08-1927 to unknown E.L. Smith 1929 to unknown Bro. Abee 04-1931 to 03-1935 Joseph Flynt 04-1935 to 08-1937 T.J. Queen 12-1937 to 06-1938 Tolbert 01-1938 to unknown Teems (Assoc) 09-1938 to 09-1939 Garth Pybas 10-1939 to 02-1940 Barnes 08-1940 to unknown Preifert 09-1941 to unknown Hawkins Unknown Dittmer 09-1945 to 10-20-1946 Kelly 12-1946 to 04-18-1948 Maurice M. Hall 05-1948 to 06-05-1949 Kenneth Aufull 11-1949 to 06-11-195 Ray Burket |
08-1950 to 04-15-1951 Bill Staten
08-1951 to 12-24-1951 Ray Stewart 01-1952 to 03-20-1955 Hugo Linquist 06-1955 to 10-02-1957 Orville Benneight 10-1957 to unknown Earnest Gill 12-1962 to unknown Ruben Green 01-1966 to 07-1971 J.R.Sammons 09-1971 to 02-1974 Sam Craig 05-1974 to 08-1974 Randy Touchett 11-1974 to 09-1983 Sam O’Dell 10-1983 to 09-1984 Dexter Blevins (interim) 09-1984 to 10-1986 Larry Baker 1987 to 07-1989 Ron Goode 09-1989 to 07-1991 Jay McAlister 08-1991 to 11-1991 David White 07-1992 to 03-2011 Fred Hambrick 09-2011 to present Brent Parsons |
The Bethlehem Baptist Church was organized at the Center Point School in northeastern Cleveland County on August 18, 1898. It’s theme was “We as a church covenant together as brothers and sisters to abide by the covenant of faith found in Pendleton’s Church Manual and abide by same”, this was the same as the Missionary Baptist Church.
On May 14, 1904, the church was moved to the Franklin community and the name changed to the First Missionary Baptist Church of Franklin, Oklahoma. The warranty deed on record has transfer from Thomas J. Blackburn to Bethlehem Baptist Church of Franklin, lot measuring 75ft. X 210ft. The property was purchased for $25 as a cash sale. This is recorded in Volume 22 page 346. Sometime during the year of 1904 the original church house was constructed. The building committee elected was J.A. West, I.W. Louis, and J.T. Abshire. The church record was transcribed by order of the church in conference on Saturday preceding the third Sunday in November 1907 with S.T. Bingham as moderator and J.A. West, clerk. The church record was transferred by order of the church June 22, 1924 having as a committee: W.A. Alexander, E.R. France and Mrs. E.R. France. Will Alexander was clerk at this time. |

The church met in Sunday School presumably for the first time on June 22, 1924 after which a business meeting was called to appoint someone to transfer the membership roll to a new church record.
On September 28, 1924, after prayer service on Sunday night, Bro. E.N. Bonds was called as pastor.
On September 25, 1925, it was voted to repair the church by enlarging the house and building a basement under the entire house. Though we cannot determine a basement was ever built, it appears the church was probably enlarged at this time.
On May 15, 1926, Bro. Wesiner was called as pastor replacing Bro. Bonds. Mrs. E.W. Marti was elected clerk at this time replacing W.A. Alexander.
On August 28, 1927, Bro. E.L. Smith was called as pastor replacing Bro. Wesiner. The church requested his ordination.
Sometime in 1929, Bro. Abee came to serve as pastor.
The first mention of the name of the church being Franklin Baptist Church was on September 21, 1930. It has been told this happened on June 22, 1924, but no evidence has been found to support this.
On April 5, 1931, Bro. Joseph C. Flynt was called as pastor.
On Mother's Day, May 10, 1931, there were 150 people present. This is probably the largest gathering the church ever had.
On June 3, 1931, the first deacons were elected. They were Will Alexander, George Alexander, Major Wright, Carl Hames and Clyde Queen.
On June 28, 1931, a piano was bought for the church at a cost of $91
On December 13, 1931, the church ordained Levi Wynne, Will Alexander, George Alexander, Major Wright, Carl Hames, and Clyde Queen as deacons
On March 2, 1932, the church voted to buy new song books and to build a 14ft. by 20ft. addition to the building on the east extending to the two back windows which is to have a gable roof. The platform is to be moveable - Cost including song books $250 (the song books were not ordered until February 4, 1934 and were the “SONG OF FAITH” song books). This remodeling took place in August of 1934.
During the summer of 1932, when several members of the church visited a man who did not attend often, they found the man making whiskey. When the man explained that he didn’t have a shirt to wear to church, Bro. Joseph C. Flynt, pastor of the church, pulled his own shirt off and gave it to him. The man started coming to church.
Sometime during this period of the church, there was a revival going on at the church. At this time people still drove wagons instead of cars, and parents left their children sleeping on pallets in the wagons. As a prank, the older boys of the church switched the children around. In the darkness, the parents didn’t realize they had the wrong children until they reached their homes. It was about 11:00 A.M. the next morning before all the children were united with the right set of parents.
On May 14, 1933, an ordination service was held to ordain Bro. Joseph C. Flynt to the full gospel ministry.
On June 24, 1934, the church voted to start a mission at Rocky Point, then Falls. The Falls mission never got started and the Rocky Point mission was stopped on August 12, 1934.
On August 12, 1934, the new song books were in use and the old ones were given to Meeks School.
Based off of a document from October 14, 1934 we find that Jocie Belden was church clerk with deacons being George Alexander Sr., Berl Craig, Ancel Moses, L.M. Wynn who was chairman of the deacons, John Alexander, O.D. Elkins, Lawrence Moses, Will Alexander, J.J. Kinkdade, and Major Wright. Church treasurer was Mrs. O.D. Elkins, Choir Director was Edd Marti, Pianist was Irene Thomas and custodian was Cecil Smalley. Trustees at that time were Karl Belden, Joes Bates, and Berl Craig. Teachers were Lydia Best, Marie Daniels, Dovie Craig, Crissie Bates, Dora Barnard, Mrs. O.D. Elkins and Myrtle Marti.
On December 2, 1934, the church voted to have the church house painted white on the outside with white trim, and nut brown on inside.
On March 5, 1935, Bro. Flynt resigned to go into full time evangelism.
Following Bro. Flynt, Bro. T.J. Queen became pastor on April 28, 1935 and stayed until August 29, 1937.
He was followed by Bro. Toblert (or Tobgert, the spelling is not legible) who started on December 26, 1937. Also, on January 1, 1938, Bro. Teems was called to help Bro. Tobgert.
On June 7, 1938, it was voted to buy a wind charger. This looks like the start of modernization to the church facilities.
On June 30, 1938 Bro. Toblert resigned and was followed by Bro. Garth Pybas in September of 1938 and stayed until September of 1939.
Bro. Barnes came to us on October 22, 1939 and stayed until February of 1940.
Bro. Preifert came on August 23, 1940.
Bro. Hawkins came on September 16, 1941.
Somewhere between 1941 and 1944 Bro. Dittmer was called (first record in minutes of him being here was December 10, 1944).
On October 29, 1944, the church voted to sell the wind charger (actually sold October 13, 1946) and install electric lights.
On May 27, 1945, the church started sending the Baptist Messenger to each member’s family. This publication was paid for by the church but it is now free.
On September 1, 1945, Bro. Kelly was called and stayed until October 20, 1946.
On September 8, 1945, church voted to buy new songbooks.
On December 15, 1946, Bro. Maurice M. Hall was called and stayed until April 18, 1948.
On February 9, 1947, the church voted to have the OUTHOUSE repaired.
On April 11, 1947, the church voted to build two rooms onto the church and on April 20, 1947, the church voted to buy a floor sweep.
On May 16, 1948, Bro. Kenneth Aufull was called and stayed until June 5, 1949.
Bro. Aufull was followed by Bro. Ray Burket on November 27, 1949, who stayed until June 11, 1950.
Bro. Burket was followed by Bro. Bill Staten on August 6, 1950 who stayed until April 15, 1951.
In October of 1950, the church voted to sell the wood stoves and buy new stoves.
Bro. Ray Stewart was called on August 19, 1951 and stayed until December 24, 1951.
Bro. Stewart was followed by Bro. Hugo Linquist on January 9, 1952.
On October 14, 1952, the church authorized Gilbert Daniels to build the vestibule. Also at this time, the church gave eggs to the orphan’s home. This is one of many times that they did this.
On May 6, 1953, the church voted to build restrooms. It sounds as if the outhouse finally met its doom.
On July 25, 1954, the church voted to buy material and build chairs for the beginners class.
On September 15, 1954, the church voted to sell the butane tank and kerosene stoves and to buy a 500 gallon propane tank.
By October 6, 1954, three propane heaters had been installed and belief is they were still in use until 2005.
On March 20, 1955, Bro. Hugo Lindquist resigned and was followed by Bro. Orville Benneight on June 12, 1955. He stayed until October 2, 1957.
On August 3, 1955, coolers were bought for the church. What a great time to be able to worship in a cool sanctuary.
On January 25, 1956, the church voted to change the church so the pulpit would face the south, tile the floor and buy 88 opera type seats for cost of $1000 (these seats stayed until 1993).
Bro. Earnest Gill was called on October 20, 1957.
On October 23, 1957, Bill Fritter was called as education director.
On June 3, 1959, the church accepted a cook stove from Carl Hardesty.
On August 2, 1959, the church paid the Sharon Church of Chickasha $10 for the use of their Falls Creek cabin.
On December 2, 1962, Bro. Ruben Green was called as pastor.
In August of 1962, the church voted to drill a water well.
On January 21, 1966, Bro. J.R. Sammons was called as pastor.
On May 15, 1966, the church voted to build bathrooms. We don’t know if the previous approved bathrooms were ever built, or if they just needed to be replaced. Now the restrooms were as large as they could be made but you had to back in to use them.
On November 20, 1966, the church voted to heat classrooms and level the floors.
On April 04, 1967, the church voted to buy the baptistery for $909 and this baptistery was in use until the church was demolished.
On July 7, 1971, Bro. J.R. Sammons resigned.
On September 8, 1971, Bro. Sam Craig was called as pastor.
On September 28, 1924, after prayer service on Sunday night, Bro. E.N. Bonds was called as pastor.
On September 25, 1925, it was voted to repair the church by enlarging the house and building a basement under the entire house. Though we cannot determine a basement was ever built, it appears the church was probably enlarged at this time.
On May 15, 1926, Bro. Wesiner was called as pastor replacing Bro. Bonds. Mrs. E.W. Marti was elected clerk at this time replacing W.A. Alexander.
On August 28, 1927, Bro. E.L. Smith was called as pastor replacing Bro. Wesiner. The church requested his ordination.
Sometime in 1929, Bro. Abee came to serve as pastor.
The first mention of the name of the church being Franklin Baptist Church was on September 21, 1930. It has been told this happened on June 22, 1924, but no evidence has been found to support this.
On April 5, 1931, Bro. Joseph C. Flynt was called as pastor.
On Mother's Day, May 10, 1931, there were 150 people present. This is probably the largest gathering the church ever had.
On June 3, 1931, the first deacons were elected. They were Will Alexander, George Alexander, Major Wright, Carl Hames and Clyde Queen.
On June 28, 1931, a piano was bought for the church at a cost of $91
On December 13, 1931, the church ordained Levi Wynne, Will Alexander, George Alexander, Major Wright, Carl Hames, and Clyde Queen as deacons
On March 2, 1932, the church voted to buy new song books and to build a 14ft. by 20ft. addition to the building on the east extending to the two back windows which is to have a gable roof. The platform is to be moveable - Cost including song books $250 (the song books were not ordered until February 4, 1934 and were the “SONG OF FAITH” song books). This remodeling took place in August of 1934.
During the summer of 1932, when several members of the church visited a man who did not attend often, they found the man making whiskey. When the man explained that he didn’t have a shirt to wear to church, Bro. Joseph C. Flynt, pastor of the church, pulled his own shirt off and gave it to him. The man started coming to church.
Sometime during this period of the church, there was a revival going on at the church. At this time people still drove wagons instead of cars, and parents left their children sleeping on pallets in the wagons. As a prank, the older boys of the church switched the children around. In the darkness, the parents didn’t realize they had the wrong children until they reached their homes. It was about 11:00 A.M. the next morning before all the children were united with the right set of parents.
On May 14, 1933, an ordination service was held to ordain Bro. Joseph C. Flynt to the full gospel ministry.
On June 24, 1934, the church voted to start a mission at Rocky Point, then Falls. The Falls mission never got started and the Rocky Point mission was stopped on August 12, 1934.
On August 12, 1934, the new song books were in use and the old ones were given to Meeks School.
Based off of a document from October 14, 1934 we find that Jocie Belden was church clerk with deacons being George Alexander Sr., Berl Craig, Ancel Moses, L.M. Wynn who was chairman of the deacons, John Alexander, O.D. Elkins, Lawrence Moses, Will Alexander, J.J. Kinkdade, and Major Wright. Church treasurer was Mrs. O.D. Elkins, Choir Director was Edd Marti, Pianist was Irene Thomas and custodian was Cecil Smalley. Trustees at that time were Karl Belden, Joes Bates, and Berl Craig. Teachers were Lydia Best, Marie Daniels, Dovie Craig, Crissie Bates, Dora Barnard, Mrs. O.D. Elkins and Myrtle Marti.
On December 2, 1934, the church voted to have the church house painted white on the outside with white trim, and nut brown on inside.
On March 5, 1935, Bro. Flynt resigned to go into full time evangelism.
Following Bro. Flynt, Bro. T.J. Queen became pastor on April 28, 1935 and stayed until August 29, 1937.
He was followed by Bro. Toblert (or Tobgert, the spelling is not legible) who started on December 26, 1937. Also, on January 1, 1938, Bro. Teems was called to help Bro. Tobgert.
On June 7, 1938, it was voted to buy a wind charger. This looks like the start of modernization to the church facilities.
On June 30, 1938 Bro. Toblert resigned and was followed by Bro. Garth Pybas in September of 1938 and stayed until September of 1939.
Bro. Barnes came to us on October 22, 1939 and stayed until February of 1940.
Bro. Preifert came on August 23, 1940.
Bro. Hawkins came on September 16, 1941.
Somewhere between 1941 and 1944 Bro. Dittmer was called (first record in minutes of him being here was December 10, 1944).
On October 29, 1944, the church voted to sell the wind charger (actually sold October 13, 1946) and install electric lights.
On May 27, 1945, the church started sending the Baptist Messenger to each member’s family. This publication was paid for by the church but it is now free.
On September 1, 1945, Bro. Kelly was called and stayed until October 20, 1946.
On September 8, 1945, church voted to buy new songbooks.
On December 15, 1946, Bro. Maurice M. Hall was called and stayed until April 18, 1948.
On February 9, 1947, the church voted to have the OUTHOUSE repaired.
On April 11, 1947, the church voted to build two rooms onto the church and on April 20, 1947, the church voted to buy a floor sweep.
On May 16, 1948, Bro. Kenneth Aufull was called and stayed until June 5, 1949.
Bro. Aufull was followed by Bro. Ray Burket on November 27, 1949, who stayed until June 11, 1950.
Bro. Burket was followed by Bro. Bill Staten on August 6, 1950 who stayed until April 15, 1951.
In October of 1950, the church voted to sell the wood stoves and buy new stoves.
Bro. Ray Stewart was called on August 19, 1951 and stayed until December 24, 1951.
Bro. Stewart was followed by Bro. Hugo Linquist on January 9, 1952.
On October 14, 1952, the church authorized Gilbert Daniels to build the vestibule. Also at this time, the church gave eggs to the orphan’s home. This is one of many times that they did this.
On May 6, 1953, the church voted to build restrooms. It sounds as if the outhouse finally met its doom.
On July 25, 1954, the church voted to buy material and build chairs for the beginners class.
On September 15, 1954, the church voted to sell the butane tank and kerosene stoves and to buy a 500 gallon propane tank.
By October 6, 1954, three propane heaters had been installed and belief is they were still in use until 2005.
On March 20, 1955, Bro. Hugo Lindquist resigned and was followed by Bro. Orville Benneight on June 12, 1955. He stayed until October 2, 1957.
On August 3, 1955, coolers were bought for the church. What a great time to be able to worship in a cool sanctuary.
On January 25, 1956, the church voted to change the church so the pulpit would face the south, tile the floor and buy 88 opera type seats for cost of $1000 (these seats stayed until 1993).
Bro. Earnest Gill was called on October 20, 1957.
On October 23, 1957, Bill Fritter was called as education director.
On June 3, 1959, the church accepted a cook stove from Carl Hardesty.
On August 2, 1959, the church paid the Sharon Church of Chickasha $10 for the use of their Falls Creek cabin.
On December 2, 1962, Bro. Ruben Green was called as pastor.
In August of 1962, the church voted to drill a water well.
On January 21, 1966, Bro. J.R. Sammons was called as pastor.
On May 15, 1966, the church voted to build bathrooms. We don’t know if the previous approved bathrooms were ever built, or if they just needed to be replaced. Now the restrooms were as large as they could be made but you had to back in to use them.
On November 20, 1966, the church voted to heat classrooms and level the floors.
On April 04, 1967, the church voted to buy the baptistery for $909 and this baptistery was in use until the church was demolished.
On July 7, 1971, Bro. J.R. Sammons resigned.
On September 8, 1971, Bro. Sam Craig was called as pastor.

Click here for more pictures from the 1970's.
On December 5, 1973, the church voted to heat the baptistery. Don’t you know the pastors were so very thankful for this.
On May 8, 1974, Bro. Randy Touchett was called as pastor as shown here with his wife Christie.
On November 17, 1974, Bro. Sam O’Dell was called as pastor.
In February of 1976, carpet was installed in the auditorium at a cost of $1,360. This was the shag carpet that was popular at that time and was in use until 1993.
On November 17, 1976, the church started being locked because of vandalism. This a low point in any community when you have to start locking your building.
On January 16, 1977, the church ordained Mike Mashaney and Glen Lawson as deacons.
On March 23, 1977, bought a mimeograph for $150. This was used for 5 years to print the bulletin.
On September 7, 1977, the church purchased the property on the west. This was a lot that was 25’ wide to give the church a total of 100’ as the width of the property. But on December 5, 1979, the church was advised that 33 feet of property between old and new property on west is not ours. The church would need to go to lawyers to get this corrected which was done.
On October 5, 1977, it was voted to install a phone.
In December of 1977, the purchase of the Lord’s Supper utensils was approved.
On March 8, 1978, it was voted to buy new hymnals. These were the 1975 edition of the BAPTIST HYMNAL.
On July 7, 1978, church voted to buy glass front doors at cost of $650.
Click here for pictures of Falls Creek in 1978.
On August 9, 1978, the church added 500 ft. of lateral line, part of which is on the Methodist’s property (they gladly offered this use to us). This lateral system has since been replaced.
Election voting was held at the church until November 16, 1978 when the church informed the county election board we would no longer have voting here. The church is again a voting center for two precincts.
On April 4, 1979, the church ordered the sound system. On October 31, 1979, the church voted to buy a cassette recorder for sound system at a cost of $100. This made the total cost of the sound system $821.39. This sound system stayed in use until 1991. It was then given to a church that did not have a sound system. This included the cassette tape deck to use for special music.
On December 5, 1973, the church voted to heat the baptistery. Don’t you know the pastors were so very thankful for this.
On May 8, 1974, Bro. Randy Touchett was called as pastor as shown here with his wife Christie.
On November 17, 1974, Bro. Sam O’Dell was called as pastor.
In February of 1976, carpet was installed in the auditorium at a cost of $1,360. This was the shag carpet that was popular at that time and was in use until 1993.
On November 17, 1976, the church started being locked because of vandalism. This a low point in any community when you have to start locking your building.
On January 16, 1977, the church ordained Mike Mashaney and Glen Lawson as deacons.
On March 23, 1977, bought a mimeograph for $150. This was used for 5 years to print the bulletin.
On September 7, 1977, the church purchased the property on the west. This was a lot that was 25’ wide to give the church a total of 100’ as the width of the property. But on December 5, 1979, the church was advised that 33 feet of property between old and new property on west is not ours. The church would need to go to lawyers to get this corrected which was done.
On October 5, 1977, it was voted to install a phone.
In December of 1977, the purchase of the Lord’s Supper utensils was approved.
On March 8, 1978, it was voted to buy new hymnals. These were the 1975 edition of the BAPTIST HYMNAL.
On July 7, 1978, church voted to buy glass front doors at cost of $650.
Click here for pictures of Falls Creek in 1978.
On August 9, 1978, the church added 500 ft. of lateral line, part of which is on the Methodist’s property (they gladly offered this use to us). This lateral system has since been replaced.
Election voting was held at the church until November 16, 1978 when the church informed the county election board we would no longer have voting here. The church is again a voting center for two precincts.
On April 4, 1979, the church ordered the sound system. On October 31, 1979, the church voted to buy a cassette recorder for sound system at a cost of $100. This made the total cost of the sound system $821.39. This sound system stayed in use until 1991. It was then given to a church that did not have a sound system. This included the cassette tape deck to use for special music.
On April 29, 1979, the church voted to build the fellowship hall at cost of $15,000. Initial bid was $11,666.
On September 30, 1979, the cost for the fellowship hall was increased by $4500. It was to be 24’ X 40’ x 12‘ eave height. This new fellowship hall was dedicated to Gilbert Daniels for all of his years of taking care of the church. You will see later the fellowship hall was sold for a new building and is now located on the Calhoun property west of the church On April 9, 1980, the church voted to buy ceiling fans for auditorium. On June 1, 1980, the church approved buying 50 folding chairs for use in the fellowship hall. This was increased by 15 the next month. On December 10, 1980, the church voted to buy an adjustable table and 12 chairs. Click here for pictures of various Fellowships in this time period. Click here for pictures of Falls Creek 1981. On August 29, 1982, the church voted to buy land behind the church for $3,500, with money that was to come from love offerings. The money was raised and the property was bought. On September 25, 1983, Bro. Sam O’Dell resigned. |

On February 8, 1984, the church voted to sell the organ and the piano and to buy a new piano. Money was given by the Parker family in memory of Sarah Parker’s mother, Rosie Pryor to help purchase the new piano. Sadly enough, later that year Sarah would also die due to complications of surgery. We thank God for the spirit she and her mother brought to our church.
Bro. Dexter Blevins came and was our interim pastor until we called Larry Baker as pastor in September of 1984.
On June 5, 1985, the purchase of two air conditioners was approved, one for the pastor’s study and one was for a class room.
On August 14, 1985, the church approved the licensing of Mike Mashaney to the ministry.
Click here for pictures of Vacation Bible School in 1986.
On October 1, 1986, it was approved to put florescent lights in the auditorium at a cost of $200.
On October 15, 1986, the church approved purchase of Masonite siding, completion of project done in 1987. Longtime members Bro. Richard Draper and Bro. Jim Mashaney did this project. It took a year but it made God’s house more presentable to our community.
On November 29, 1986, Larry Baker resigned.
In 1987, Bro. Ron Goode was called as our pastor.
On November 4, 1987, the church approved heaters for all classrooms.
On February 10, 1988, the church approved the purchase of a copier.
Click here for pictures of Christmas 1988.
On July 30, 1989, Bro. Ron Goode resigned.
Bro. Dexter Blevins came and was our interim pastor until we called Larry Baker as pastor in September of 1984.
On June 5, 1985, the purchase of two air conditioners was approved, one for the pastor’s study and one was for a class room.
On August 14, 1985, the church approved the licensing of Mike Mashaney to the ministry.
Click here for pictures of Vacation Bible School in 1986.
On October 1, 1986, it was approved to put florescent lights in the auditorium at a cost of $200.
On October 15, 1986, the church approved purchase of Masonite siding, completion of project done in 1987. Longtime members Bro. Richard Draper and Bro. Jim Mashaney did this project. It took a year but it made God’s house more presentable to our community.
On November 29, 1986, Larry Baker resigned.
In 1987, Bro. Ron Goode was called as our pastor.
On November 4, 1987, the church approved heaters for all classrooms.
On February 10, 1988, the church approved the purchase of a copier.
Click here for pictures of Christmas 1988.
On July 30, 1989, Bro. Ron Goode resigned.

During the year of 1992, we were blessed with the sign you now see in front of our children’s building. We thank God for giving Bro. Mac Teague the desire to help our church with this sign and also the flowers in the flower bed around the sign. We use this sign to be a beacon in our community. Bro. Mac also placed the sign at 84th and Franklin Road showing the way to the church.
Not only did we add a sign to our church in 1992, but on September 20, 1992, the church hired painters to paint the inside of church.
The carpet that was put on the floor in the 1970's and the tile that was put on the floor in 1956 was all removed and new carpeting was installed. This was followed on October 7, 1992, with an approval to purchase new pews for the church. The church used mostly donations for these pews as you would have noticed by the plaques on the end in memory of people that the purchaser of the pew designated. The new pews and modesty panel that made up the choir loft were donated in memory of Robert Newville, a six year old member of our church who died of cancer in 1989.
On January 6, 1993, the pulpit and Lord’s supper table were re-stained at cost of $150.
The church then gave this pulpit to an Indian Mission. The pulpit then used was bought and dedicated to Fanny Fielder, a long time church treasurer and teacher of the intermediate class.
In 1997, the newest version of the Baptist Hymnals were purchased through donations. Several hymnals have dedication cards in the front of them depicting who they were purchased in memory of or honor of. A large part of the donation of these hymnals was done in honor of Art McDonald.
In November 2003 the Simpson family donated land adjacent to our land behind the church that was purchased in 1982.
In 2005 our assistant paster James Collins and his wife Amanda dedicated their baby to the Lord.
January 2006 the new siding was added to the church.
In October of 2006 the central heat and air system was installed. The old noisy air conditioners have been officially retired. But now there is no stove to huddle around – but it is comfortable now.
September 2007 we added the front porch and ramp.
In May of 2008 The walkway was added of 2008.
During 2008 our trustee Don Carpenter was tasked with working with a contractor to repaint and repair the church. He did an admirable job keeping everything on task.
![]() Brent and his family (his wife Keely, son Hunter, and daughter Hattie) joined us in September of 2011.
In 2012, the church approved the research and steps necessary to build a new worship center. Meetings and research was done for almost a year before the church voted to build the new worship center where the current one stood. While waiting for the day to start a new building, changes to our current facility had to be done. The wall between the former pastors study was taken out to have a bigger classroom. A nursery was equipped in a larger space to accommodate more babies. In the summer of 2012 the church bought two prefab buildings that had been used in Oklahoma City public schools. These buildings were used for Sunday School classes and served as the temporary worship center until the new worship center was built. In March of 2013 we approved the building of a new sanctuary. We had our first pledge drive in April 2013 which allowed us to borrow money from the WatersEdge. The buildings that had housed the church for years was demolished in November 13. Click here for pictures of the demolition. On Oct 20 2013 we had a Groundbreaking and dinner on the grounds to start the new building. The new worship center was completed in 2014 and would hold almost three times what we currently could hold. We estimated the cost of the new building as 480,000. We borrowed 264,000 from WatersEdge and borrowed 95,000 from the Union Baptist Association. The new building was completed at a cost of over $500,000 plus the volunteer labor and donation of the windows and doors from TGS. This load was paid off in Dec 2016. On May 4, 2014 the church held it’s first concert in the new worship center even though it wasn’t completed. The group was the Mission. June 1, 2014 we bathed the church with scripture. Before the sheetrock went up we wrote scriptures on the walls. Click here for pictures of the dedication. Sept 6 2014 Friends of friends who wanted to help us contributed $2,000 toward the purchase of a $5,000 used Baby Grand piano and then members of a church family contributed the rest. The open house for our new building was Sept 28, 2014. Every seat was full...and then some. We had 184 people present for the first service in our new facility. 2 people were baptized. We saw one person receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and 4 others united with the church family. It was such a blessing to see so many friends and meet so many new people. Click here for pictures of the open house. |
At this time, John McCloy was hired as our associate pastor/youth minister.
We ordained John in October of 2014.
In November 2014 we had a generous donation that allowed us to purchase two more lots to the east of our portables.
In July 2015 we bought Opal Thurman’s property that is west of the church. We demolished the house and buildings on Jan 31 2016 to be ready for future growth.
On Aug 30 2015 the church held an appreciation day for Ron Newville who served the church for several years as music minister as he was honored to turn the position over the Fletcher Mullinix who served until May 15, 2016.
Click here for picutures of Ron's appreciation.
On Dec 29 2015 the church received a generous donation from the Teague family in memory of Mac Teague – along time neighbor and supporter of the church. This donation was in the amount of 225,000.00 and allowed us to pay off our loan to UBA and to pay a substantial amount on the WatersEdge loan which allowed us to pay off our building debt a year later
In Aug 2016 John McCloy accepted a call to be our Music minister along with keeping his duties as Associate Pastor / Youth Pastor.
We had our first year back to Falls Creek in 14 years.
In March 2017 we were afforded an opportunity to purchase the Methodist property as they could no longer continue worshipping in that facility. We took it over and have had several of the Methodist people continue to worship with us.
Because of the generous support and donations of our members we were able to turn the Methodist church into our worship center and overflow worship area. This allowed us to use our portables for the two youth classes we have and to turn our original worship center into the modern children’s center we have now.
Cost of building remodel was $365,045.75.
In March 2018 we called our first children’s minister Curtis Vass. He served until Nov 2020. Keely Parsons took over as interim until August 2022 when we called Shelby Billimek as our Children's Ministry Director.
In September of 2018 we established our endowment fund with WatersEdge where we get an annual return to use for our church ministry and upkeep.
Also, that month we sent a team of members to Cuba to minister in that country.
It might seem hard to believe but it was in Dec 2019 we were able to get internet service at Franklin. We were only able to get a reliable service when OEC Fiber reached our community. This helped us enhance our Sunday School classes and music and worship by being able to get the resources needed.
Easter 2021 was a special time at Franklin as we had our first Easter service in tent where we could seat over 250 people and it was full. For the year 2023 we had to rent twice as big a tent for our Easter services.
The playground you see between the two buildings was built in March 2021 was a secure area for our younger children to be able to play.
In August 2021 we were able to purchase more property west of the church and demolish the house and to use this space for recreation area along with being able to fellowship outside.
We ordained John in October of 2014.
In November 2014 we had a generous donation that allowed us to purchase two more lots to the east of our portables.
In July 2015 we bought Opal Thurman’s property that is west of the church. We demolished the house and buildings on Jan 31 2016 to be ready for future growth.
On Aug 30 2015 the church held an appreciation day for Ron Newville who served the church for several years as music minister as he was honored to turn the position over the Fletcher Mullinix who served until May 15, 2016.
Click here for picutures of Ron's appreciation.
On Dec 29 2015 the church received a generous donation from the Teague family in memory of Mac Teague – along time neighbor and supporter of the church. This donation was in the amount of 225,000.00 and allowed us to pay off our loan to UBA and to pay a substantial amount on the WatersEdge loan which allowed us to pay off our building debt a year later
In Aug 2016 John McCloy accepted a call to be our Music minister along with keeping his duties as Associate Pastor / Youth Pastor.
We had our first year back to Falls Creek in 14 years.
In March 2017 we were afforded an opportunity to purchase the Methodist property as they could no longer continue worshipping in that facility. We took it over and have had several of the Methodist people continue to worship with us.
Because of the generous support and donations of our members we were able to turn the Methodist church into our worship center and overflow worship area. This allowed us to use our portables for the two youth classes we have and to turn our original worship center into the modern children’s center we have now.
Cost of building remodel was $365,045.75.
In March 2018 we called our first children’s minister Curtis Vass. He served until Nov 2020. Keely Parsons took over as interim until August 2022 when we called Shelby Billimek as our Children's Ministry Director.
In September of 2018 we established our endowment fund with WatersEdge where we get an annual return to use for our church ministry and upkeep.
Also, that month we sent a team of members to Cuba to minister in that country.
It might seem hard to believe but it was in Dec 2019 we were able to get internet service at Franklin. We were only able to get a reliable service when OEC Fiber reached our community. This helped us enhance our Sunday School classes and music and worship by being able to get the resources needed.
Easter 2021 was a special time at Franklin as we had our first Easter service in tent where we could seat over 250 people and it was full. For the year 2023 we had to rent twice as big a tent for our Easter services.
The playground you see between the two buildings was built in March 2021 was a secure area for our younger children to be able to play.
In August 2021 we were able to purchase more property west of the church and demolish the house and to use this space for recreation area along with being able to fellowship outside.